
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

God calls each of us to participate in the work of discipling the nations. Through our prayers, our giving, and our going, we join God in the work God is doing in our community and around the world. Below are some of the missionaries and organizations that First UMC, Collingswood is partnering with to disciple the nations.

Active Missionaries

Bob & Barbara Alber

Serving Missionary Kids with Wycliffe 

Dana & Debbie Cherry

Serving in Germany with Greater Europe Mission 

Curt & Carol Detwiler

Serving as Ambassadors with TransWorld Radio

Neale & Barbara Goetsh

Serving in England with
Christ's Mission in Many Lands

Mark & Carol Hepner

Serving in Papua New Guinea with Wycliffe

Don & Esther Parsons

Serving in Poland with Mission Eurasia 

Tim & Kathy Sheetz

Serving in Pennsylvania with Handi*vangelism

Lorraine Stirneman

Serving in Philadelphia with BCM International

Neil & Wannee Thompson

Serving  Asia with Overseas Missionary Fellowship 

Lowell & Claudia Wertz

Serving in Tanzania with Joy in the Harvest

Shawn & Nicole Zook

Serving in New Jersey with Amoveo Group 

Restricted Area x 2

Serving in SE Asia with Wycliffe 

Active Missionaries

Bob & Barbara Alber

Marc & Alyssa Stasio

Serving Missionary Kids with Wycliffe 
Serving NJ Universities with Cru 

Dana & Debbie Cherry

Lorraine Stirneman

Serving in Germany with Greater Europe Mission 
Serving in Philadelphia with BCM International

Curt & Carol Detwiler

Neil & Wannee Thompson

Serving as Ambassadors with TransWorld Radio
Serving  Asia with Overseas Missionary Fellowship 

Josh & Kelly Hallahan

Jamie Wilson

Serving in Kentucky with 4Kids 
Serving in New Jersey with Fellowship of Christian Athletes 

Don & Esther Parsons

Lowell & Claudia Wertz

Serving in Poland with Mission Eurasia 
Serving in Tanzania with Joy in the Harvest

Tim & Kathy Sheetz

Shawn & Nicole Zook

Serving in Pennsylvania with Handi*vangelism
Serving in New Jersey with Amoveo Group 


Serving in Asia with Wycliffe 

Partner Organizations

The Neighborhood Center

Camden, New Jersey

Neighborhood Crusades

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Ranch Hope

Alloway, New Jersey

Seeds of Hope

Camden, New Jersey

Saints Prison Ministry

United States

Teamwork Associates


Word Up Ministries

North Carolina/Online

Partner Organizations

The Neighborhood Center

Camden, New Jersey

Neighborhood Crusades

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Ranch Hope

Alloway, New Jersey

Saints Prison Ministry

United States

Seeds of Hope

Camden, New Jersey

Teamwork Associates


Retired Missionaries

Neale & Barbara Goetsh

Walter & Pat Stuart

England, Christ's Mission in Many Lands 
France, Crossworld

Ken & Donna Rudy

France & Cambodia, Crossworld

David & Phyllis Schmid

Haiti, Crossworld

Charles & Beverly Truxton

Nigeria, Serving in Mission

Retired Missionaries

Ken & Donna Rudy

France & Cambodia, Crossworld

David & Phyllis Schmid

Haiti, Crossworld

Walter & Pat Stuart

France, Crossworld

Charles & Beverly Truxton

Nigeria, Serving in Mission

Encourage our active missionaries

Write and encouragement, question, or prayer and we'll connect you via email.