Worship | Connect | Mission

Moving toward God, one another, and the world

Following Jesus each step of the journey

At First UMC Collingswood we want to be a place where people encounter God, experience God's transforming power,  are formed into the image of Christ, and are empowered to be sent into the world to carry the presence of God's Spirit to every part of our community.

Christmas at First Methodist

Join us for a worship service full of music, scripture, and reflection as we celebrate the incarnation and birth of Jesus. All are welcome.
There will be no childcare during this service, but children of all ages are most welcome to join us for worship. Baby (and toddler) noises are especially appropriate on this night. 
The Longest Night is a worship service particularly designed for those who are walking through a season of grief at Christmas.
No matter what you are grieving or what your grief looks like, you are welcome to join us for this service as we recognize the presence of the God who entered into our sorrows.

We welcome all.

From small groups to Sunday school to Bible studies for men and women, we have opportunities for people to gather together in community on a regular basis, encouraging one another to live as whole-hearted followers of Jesus.

Latest Sermon

Check back here for our past sermons any time you're not able to be with us live or if you want to hear one again!

Sunday Worship Times

Traditional worship - 9am
 Sunday School for all ages - 9am
Fellowship time - 10am
Contemporary worship - 10:30am
Adult Sunday school - 10:30am

Join our email list

We send a weekly email newsletter called "Traces of Grace" and occasional announcements to keep you up to date on what is happening at First UMC.